No posts recently because my wife has been sick (going on 3rd week) with some sort of asthma / allergy / throat infection / throat ulcer / bronchitis / neck & shoulder pain kinda thing. :-(
We're going on three doctor's visits, six medications, another follow up today or tomorrow, and lung & allergy specialists next week.
Please pray / meditate / invoke spirits / send good psychic vibrations / etc. in her direction - I'm really worried.
Blessings & Peace,
Count Corry and I in on the prayers.
Thanks again for the prayers - she's doing better as of yesterday evening (5/10) but still not at work, and prob won't be going back until next week. She's got another appt this afternoon with her lung specialist - hopefully we get some good news! :-)
Blessings & Peace,
Amen (as we say round cheer ;-). Thanks so much for the update.
I'll be praying
I hope all is well there. Corry was so excited with your comment and I've enjoyed following them on here. Just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you. :-)
Hope all gets better.
But I am not into invoking spirits and sending good psychic vibrations. =)
Maybe that is how Catholism gets syncretized with animism around the world!! LOL Just a jab that is meant to bring a smile. Blessings and Peace to you and your wife
All: thanks again for the prayers . . . though I am dissapointed that there will be no animistic rituals performed by someone who's name I won't mention . . . :-)
Blessings & Peace,
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