

I will die . . .

On Saturday, November 9, 2058. This according to the Death Clock. I expect to see everyone at my funeral, and I expect for you to say nice things about me. (Just some random silliness as I sat down to blog and realized I wasn't in the mood because I was tired from painting and cleaning our house this weekend!) :-)

Blessings & Peace,


Kc said...

I plan to offer belated sympathies. :-o

My prayers for your refreshment.

Hugo said...

lol! :-) Thanks - I'll make sure to intercede on your behalf :-)

And I feel refreshed - my cousin threw an impromptu BBQ . . . it was a nice way to end a hard-working weekend and officialy start work again tomorrow.

Blessings & Peace,

Hugo said...

lol! :-) Umm, Matt . . . aren't we supposed to live each day of our lives as if it's our last? Sounds like this might help! :-)

Blessings & Peace,

Anonymous said...

I won't be able to attend your funeral but please mark your calendar for mine...12/05/2039. Please make sure there is plenty of music. :)


Unknown said...

Friday, September 29, 2051

I have already set the funeral plans so be in Billings on Oct 3 for the funeral service.

BTW i got a great discount!


Hugo said...

Ceci: So soon! I though women were supposed to outlive men! :-) but don't worry - I'll gather the gang together to play music that will wake the dead! :-)

Iggy: Oct 3rd - I'll do my best to be there! :-)

Blessings & Peace,

Pecheur said...

Can't wait to read up on this entire conversation about salvation.

Bought a book today about the differences and similarities in Evangelicals and Catholics (written by evangelicals so i know going in it is biased)

We'll blog a memorial for ya when you pass on. =)

Hugo said...

pecheur: look for a post tomorrow night - and what book is it? I bought a book at a local Christian book store that we written to teach evangelicals about the errors of Catholicisim / how to refute our heretical and antiScriptural teachings - it was interesting reading both because some of the informaiton aboout the church was either wrong or outdated, and because some of the arguments put forth were quite convuluted - then again, it might just have been that I was still reading it too much as a Catholic - I have it only list of books to re-read as soon as I get through my list of books to read :-)

Blessings & Peace,