

Our Proposed Budget

President Bush has proposed a new budget . . . and while I'm not the most politically-minded person, from what I've read parts of this budget will mean that many underprivileged / low-income kids and families will lose medical and support benefits while our military spending will continue to increase by leaps and bounds.

If you'd like to send a petition to your congressmen and senators, you may click here. Hopefully, if enough voters spread the word, we may have an impact on this coming year's budget.

Blessings & Peace,


Patti said...

If I respond to this, I will end up saying things I will regret. Just know I did not vote for him.

Hugo said...

A quote I love (and which I remind myself of quite often!): pray for those you dislike - prayer reveals the hidden face of God. :-)

Though in this case lets hope prayer and our political savvy will help reveal the mind of God, too. :-)

Blessings & Peace,