

School's Out for Summer!

Today was the last day of school for staff at OLSS (students finished on Friday). I'm still working the next three weeks, but it's administrative stuff (paperwork and moving to a new office) next week, and Diocesan Religion Teacher Certification Courses the next two weeks (I'm teaching on the Creed one week, Social Justice and Church History the next).

On my agenda for the summer:
  • playing with my son (he puts up with a lot of down time having two teachers for parents!)
  • painting (the dining room, maybe the library or the kitchen as well)
  • yard work (I've let my yard go - this is the summer I take it back!)
  • exercise (I lost the habit of daily morning exercise - I hoping a summer of doing it every morning will make it a life-long habit)
  • prayer (I feel like I need to reconnect - will make it a point to do it daily in the morning as well)
  • reading (lots of books to catch up on/finish/start!)
  • playing with my wife (just use your imagination!) :-)

I will also have time to blog once again - I think my first blog (tomorrow or later on tonight) will be Da Vinci code stuff - I did a presentation to the staff two weeks ago - I'll post some of my thoughts here, too!

Blessings & Peace,


Patti said...

Welcome back. I teach til the 14th of June. Then the next week I am teaching a class for speech pathologists. But then 8 weeks off-ok-really only six, I take two weeks before school starts to go in a few days to get my room ready to go.

This year will mark my 26th year working for my school system.

Hugo said...

lol - I end up with about 5-6 weeks off, too . . . more than most people, but a few weeks short of most of the staff - such is life :-)

My wife and I are both finishing up our 7th year @ OLS, and our son will be a 4th grader this coming year. How time flies!

Blessings & Peace,