

The Week Ahead

This coming week is hectic - read on! :-)

Religion Class
We will continue to explore the celebration of the Mass (Ch 5 - Celebrating Eucharist) this coming week. Students will test over the Chapter on Thursday; the chapter review will be due that day as well.

General School Life
Students will have a chance to engage in some Halloween fun during our annual Halloween Carnival. They will attend during their PE class, with Student Council. Worship Committee, Jr. Tech and 8th grade working hard to make the festival fun and engaging for all participants. Wednesday we will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints day with Mass, while Thursday we will celebrate All Soul's Day with a special prayer service. Friday will find the 7th graders heading towards San Antonio for a day of immersion into Texas history.

Worship Committee
Students will have a long week of work. Monday afternoon they'll set up for the Halloween carnival from 3-6 pm. Tuesday they'll work the carnival all day (in appropriate Halloween costume!), then clean up from 3-5 pm. Wednesday evening they may (not mandatory!) come back to school from 6-7 pm to help set up for the Day of the Dead celebration. Thursday they will help with the celebration and then move the Dia de los Muertos altar from the gym to the front of the school (around the statue of Mary).

We've got a full week - please pray for our students! :-)

Blessings & Peace,
Mr. D.


Thanks & Info

Many, many thanks to all of the parents who donated items for the Jr. High Bake Sale this past Wednesday and for the Worship Committee concession stand the Friday before that. The movie night brought in many donations for the Projecto Desarrollo, and the bake sale brought in more funds to donate as well. We are truly showing our dedication to helping the poorest of the poor among us.

This week 7th grade religion will be starting a new Chapter. We will continue to explore the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith. Students will also celebrate non-violence and Red Ribbon weeks - be on the lookout for notes home explaining all of the exciting events!

Our Volleyball season ends Monday night with the last game of the season, with basketball season starting this week. Our student athletes make us proud - may they continue the wonderful tradition of a strong OLS team spirit.

Finally, Parent-Teacher conferences are going on as I type - please remember to review your child's report card and return the signed envelope.

Blessings & Peace,
Mr. D.


Chapter 4 Review

UPDATE: You may still use the link below to study for the test - enjoy! :-)

  1. Wait for all other students to reach this page.
  2. When I say go, please click here to go to the online review.
  3. Enjoy! :-)
Blessings & Peace,
Mr. D.


Back from the Conference

I attended the National Youth Workers Conference put on by Youth Specialties in Austin last week/weekend. It was my first time attending, and I really enjoyed it. The first day and a half I participated in a contemplative retreat entitled "Becoming the Beloved." It was facilitated by Mark Yaconelli, and it was the best part of the conference for me. The retreat was focused on the story of Jesus walking on the water towards his apostles in the boat on the lake. We spent time in Ignation contemplation, artistic meditation, lectio divina, small group listening, and quiet, individual prayer. The rest of the conference went well, but it paled in comparison to that retreat (though getting to see Thousand Foot Krutch & Kutless in concert came close!). :-)

I bought two books that I'm reading at the moment: Contemplative Youth Ministry & Generous Orthodoxy. Both of them are fitting me quite well, and I'm trying to keep the contemplative vibe I picked up on retreat as I assimilate back into my normal life.

Say a prayer for me that I can keep this contemplative approach to my life as I decompress from a long conference/retreat/mountaintop experience.

Blessings & Peace,


The Sacrament of Sacraments

Students are half-way through the first chapter on the Eucharist (study guide can be downloaded here in MW Word format). We have explored several different names for the celebration of the Mass:
  • Eucharist
  • The Lord's Supper
  • The Breaking of Bread
  • The Holy Sacrifice
  • The Sacred Mysteries
  • Holy Communion
  • Holy Mass

We have talked about the literal meaning of Eucharist (giving thanks), and how it is the most important sacrament we celebrate.

We have also explored time from our point of view (chronos time - the kind of time that has a past, a present and a future) and from God's point of view (kairos time - the kind of time where there is no past or future: everything is now as viewed from God's vantage point).

Finally, we have begun to explore the Mass as both a communal meal and a sacrifice celebrated through anamnesis (the liturgical act of remembering - the way we enter into kairos time and are present with Jesus at the Last Supper, at his passion and death on the cross, and with the resurrected Jesus as he breaks bread with his apostles).

Students have also been hard at work on their gala project - most students have finished thier crosses and we have begun work on the three canvas backdrops. The project looks like it will turn out beautifully.

As always, please feel free to contact me through email or phone if you have any questions of comments.

Blessings & Peace,


The National Youth Workers Convention

Later on this week I'm attending the National Youth Workers Convention in Austin, TX. I have to admit to being a bit nervous - this is the first non-Catholic large-scale conference that I'll be attending. I usually attend the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (an every-other-year event), but this year my budget couldn't handle the cost so I had to look for something closer to home. The schedule looks grueling, and several workshops that I want to attend are scheduled at the same time, so we'll see what happens. More info when I return!
Blessings & Peace,

The Week Ahead

Students will test today over Chapter 3 and begin Chapter 4 tomorrow (which focuses on the Eucharist). I will be out today facilitating a retreat for our 8th grade students. I will also be out from October 5th-9th as I am attending the National Youth Workers Conference in Austin. While I am out students will watch a movie on the life of St. Francis, receive a presentation from Ms. Bea (our counselor) on Protecting God's Children, and take a test over the Gloria. Please say a prayer both for me and for your 7th graders! :-)
In other news, the newsletter should be up for download by the end of the day from our main website and there will be no WOW program on Thursday. Spread the word!
Blessings & Peace,
Mr. De La Rosa